5 Morning Actions that Changed my Life

Mornings are my favorite part of that day and I think they’re the most essential part of it. How you start your mornings sets the entire mood of your day. There are so many ways that you can enhance your life by paying for things, a service, clothing. However, when it comes down to it, I think that the simple and free things are the most powerful. These 5 morning actions have helped me enhance my life for free.

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Getting up early (5-6am)

I live for those quiet early hours in the morning, when it’s still dark out and the rest of the world is quiet. This is a beautiful moment to just sit with yourself, be present and I actually enjoy reading at these hours. Depending on the day I usually read anywhere from one chapter – three. I have found that it truly helps set the tone for the rest of the day and leaves me feeling inspired. Since it’s often dark I have a red light booklight that I use. I’ve linked it here if you’re interested.

Sitting in the sunshine for 30 minutes

Once the sun rises you’ll find me sipping freshly brewed coffee, or doing a meditation while soaking up the sunshine. Waking your eyes and skin up with 30 minutes in the sunshine is an instant mood booster. On days that it isn’t sunny I still recommend getting outside into nature, it evokes calmness, peace and so much beauty.

Not checking your phone right away when waking up

I have noticed a major difference in my life with this simple, yet difficult thing to do once if you’ve been doing this for so long. Checking your phone immediately often takes you away from that essential morning time to yourself. Sometimes I have found myself getting stuck scrolling focusing on someone else’s life on social media yet forgetting about my own. It can alter your entire day and cause eye strain.

To combat that habit of immediately checking your phone, I actually charge it outside of my bedroom, I set an alarm and when I wake up i just turn it off and do without for the first 2 – 3 hours of the day depending on what time i wake up.


Morning words can lead to new creativity, and inspiration. Writing your daily goals, short and long term down, whatever goals those are…helps to stay on track for the day and in life. I personally have written down brands I have wanted to work with and it’s a beautiful thing to achieve those goals even when it’s years down the line. You are putting your thoughts into words that then are brought to life through your actions of achieving them. You can do this on a sheet of paper, a notebook that you may already have, but never on a source of technology.

Meditation & Visualization

These two things don’t always come easy to many, In fact, it took me a couple years to truly allow myself to let go and dive into a meditation, to silence those racing thoughts. I like to combine meditating and visualizing into one. Let your thoughts travel away and envision the life you want. The other thing that I believe is so powerful about meditation is that it creates so much more self-awareness. You are much more in tune with your intuition and inner self. Once completed for the day and you open your eyes, it transforms your mindset for the day and you’ll start noticing everything. Guided meditations are a great way to get started and keep you focused.

These are my favorite:

Enhance your life for free with these actions. I’ve implemented these 5 things into my life and they have made a tremendous impact. In the end we are the only ones who have the ability to enhance our lives. Life goes by really fast, live in the moment each day. Slow down and appreciate who you are, and everything and everyone in your life.

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