How to Feel Good Everyday: Get Dressed

Getting dressed for the day is very powerful, and wearing an outfit you love can make a positive difference in your mood. That’s why it’s so important to build a wardrobe that reflects your own personal style. With a wardrobe that works for you, you can put outfits together more seamlessly and play around with styling. The benefits are great, and once you make it a habit to get dressed it can help you feel good everyday. Here is why:
Improves Creativity
Getting dressed can improve creativity by styling different pieces in your closet to create multiple outfits. Accessories can also be styled with different looks to improve your creativity and try something different. Style is all about discovering what you like and what pieces work for you.
Increases Dopamine
Dopamine is the “feel good” chemical released in our brains when something is achieved. You’ll notice that after putting on a good outfit that little feeling shows up. Thus leads to giving you more motivation to complete and achieve whatever tasks may be on your to do list for the day.
Increases Self-Confidence
Getting dressed in an outfit you love, will naturally increase self-confidence. You will be more radiant, and feel like you can conquer anything especially when you are comfortable, yet stylish in what you are wearing.
People Will Respect You More
Clothing is often the first thing someone notices about the other person when meeting them. That’s why people take the time to dress their best for an interview, or a first date. When others notice how well-dressed you are, they will naturally perceive you as confident, decisive, and very attentive. When you have respect for yourself, others will respect you as well.
Increases Worthiness & Purpose
When you get dressed for the day you take the time to show up for yourself, that is a form of self-care. Getting dressed for the day is telling yourself that you are worthy, and deserving to put on a good outfit and take on the day. It give you a sense of purpose by expressing yourself through what you wear.