How to Refresh your Wardrobe
If you’re here, you probably are feeling the need to refresh your wardrobe. Sometimes that means adding new pieces, or even going through your entire closet! There is no specific time of when to refresh your wardrobe, but I often find myself doing it most often when Spring is approaching. Cleaning and organizing isn’t always my favorite activity, so I decided to make it fun and simple!
First! Pick a day of the week that works best for you. I love Saturday’s. I try to fill my Sunday’s with relaxation and self-care. On the day of, clear your mind with a morning meditation and envision yourself with your dream wardrobe. Second, notice the colors of your clothing, the fabrics and specific styles that pop up during your meditation. Third, write down exactly what you envisioned, grab a beverage of choice, and follow the steps below!
- Refer to your visualization exercise and configure that dream spring wardrobe by creating a mood board. I highly recommend using Pinterest to find fashion inspiration.
- Clear a space in your room to form three piles of clothes – Keep, Donate, Maybe. Sift through each piece of clothing and add to the piles. Try to be very realistic, and honest with yourself when choosing what piles to add to.
- Once the piles are completed, the ‘Maybe’ pile needs to be assessed. To do this, ask yourself these questions…
How often have I worn this?
Can this be worn multiple ways?
Do I have something similar?
Why does it appeal to me?
Will I wear this in the future?
After, move the ones you’re keeping to the “Keep” pile. - Finally, once you come to a decision on what to keep, you should have two piles left. One to keep and one to donate, or sell! When donating clothes, I like to bring them to Goodwill, or give them to my family or friends so I know exactly where they’re going, and that they will be worn. As for selling clothes, I love Poshmark!