23 Simple Ways to Enhance your Life

Creating a life you love looks different for everyone. Living with intention has helped me become more mindful and helped me understand what exactly I want out of life. I believe it’s always the little things that add up to make the biggest differences in our lives. These small and effective actions have the ability to upgrade and enhance your life now, and in the future.

  1. Enhance your life by bringing nature within your home. Plants and flowers always brighten a space and your aurora. There are many healing benefits to houseplants as well.
  2. Journal your thoughts and what you are grateful for.
  3. Candles and yummy scents. They just take me to a warm space and seasonal candles are my favorite!
  4. Smudge with sage or palo santo. Cleanse the energies and invite new positive energy in.
  5. Re-arrange the furniture. I have been doing this for years. I’m always like I need to move that or I need a change so the entire space ends up re-arranged but also better!
  6. Add inspiration into your space. This could be artwork or coffee table books.
  7. Cleanse your closet and donate or sell old clothing. This can make a great difference. We often associate clothing with a certain time in our lives and memories that we created wearing them. If you need a cleanse update your wardrobe.
  8. Try a new hair style.
  9. Reduce your amount of television and screen time. It’s so difficult to do this sometimes. Especially in this day and age but once you give yourself that time to disconnect it is so magical. I personally don’t want to look back when I am older and to regret missing out on life because I was so attached to my phone. Life is so short, live it to the fullest!
  10. Meditate and remind yourself of your roots and the connection to the earth.
  11. Understand that it’s okay to distance yourself from people who you no longer align with. Surround yourself with those you admire and who inspire you to be better and become the person you want to be.
  12. Get outside more often and in the sunshine.
  13. Remind yourself that there is a reason things happen for you, not to you.
  14. Don’t take anything personally. We all have our own things going on in our lives.
  15. Let go of the past and live your life day by day.
  16. Challenge yourself and your mindset. Take that cold shower that nobody ever wants to take, push yourself to complete that run, push yourself to start the blog you’ve always wanted to start. Life is going by as you read this, make the most out of it.
  17. Pick up a hobby and master it.
  18. Try a new workout. I love trying new Pilates mat classes on youtube!
  19. Book a professional photoshoot.
  20. Eat what feels good for your body.
  21. Book a day/weekend trip to a new location you haven’t explored yet.
  22. Travel to a different country and expand your perspective on the world that we are living in.
  23. Wear the outfit you always wanted to, but we’re always to afraid to.

I created a habit of starting my days with setting my intentions, meditation and journaling. It took me a some time to get into the habit of doing so, and to notice how much of an impact these little things had on me. I made sure to make a habit out of these because they helped enhance my life by making me more self aware and connected to my intuition. Studies have proven that it takes about 60 days to form a new habit. I’m not saying you have to create a habit out of these simple actions listed, but if you feel called to one or some, give it a try! I’d love to know your thoughts, and which ones you implemented into your life and how they’ve impacted you!

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